Friday, January 22, 2010

More catch-up

Day 20
Danielle, me, Christie, Tiffany, and Kendall. We went to a cabin in the mountains for a weekend over the summer. Lot of fun.

Day 21
Amanda and I in St. Simon's over the summer.... she's weird.

Day 22
My feelings today.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I've been forced to "catch up"

Day 13

This is Hannah.

Day 14
This is me at O'Charley's on my 21st birthday. It was some really cool cotton candy drink.

Day 15

This is me about.... 6-7 years ago at my friend's house.

Day 16

Again, this was probably about 6-7 years ago. In my room one bored night.

Day 17

This is me and my daddy on the first day of one year of high school. I don't remember what year it was. I think junior or senior.

Day 18

Here I am bowling several years ago. I'm awesome.

Day 19

And finally, this is one of my best friends, Kendall. I love her and she deserves so much more than what she's been getting!

Okay, that's it til tomorrow, and hopefully I'll keep this up... I'm unmotivated because I don't actually have a good digital camera. My picture selection was limited this time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12

My night has consisted of The Avett Brothers. A little homework/reading as well.

And I've known others
And I've loved others too
But I loved them cause they were stepping stones
On a staircase to you

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11

I am almost out of Pez. Today, I went to school. Came home and waited for Robert to get here. We watched It's Always Sunny.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10

This is my grandmother and grandfather. We celebrated Big Daddy's 80th birthday today. His gift? Overalls. Our idea? American Gothic. Laughs ensued.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9

Dr. Pepper is my addiction. Just so you know. Today, I went to Robert's and a bunch of his family came over and ate lunch. It was fun hanging out and getting to meet more of his family. Then, I went to work. I'm okay with that, cause I need the hours badly.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8

This is the kinda snow Goergians freak out about! 3/5 of my household could not make it to work today, cause we have a hill at the end of the neighborhood. How do people who have so much more snow DRIVE? Robert slid into a ditch this morning. Him and Abe (his truck) are just fine.